1949 Bottoms Up, Guide to Pleasant Drinking

Page 24


HOT SPRINGS COCKTAIL I Yi oz. Dry White Wine yi oz. Pineapple Juice yi Teaspoon Maraschino I Dash Orange Bitters Shake well with cracked Ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. PORT WINE COCKTAIL 2^ oz. Port Wine yi Teaspoon Brandy Stir slightly with cracked Ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. QUARTER DECK COCKTAIL Y oz. sherry Wine I oz. Rum Juice yi Lime Stir well with cracked Ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass.

ROC-A-COE COCKTAIL 1 oz. sherry i!4 oz. Dry Gin

Stir well with cracked Ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry.

sevilia cocktail

Teaspoon Powdered Sugar

I Egg I oz. Port Wine I oz. Rum

Shake well with cracked Ice, strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass.


Place an egg in a glass,being careful not to break the yolk. Fill glass with Sherry. Use 4 oz. Cocktail glass.

REFORM COCKTAIL oz. French Vermouth oz. Sherry Wine


zYi oz. Sherry Wine n I Dash Bitters

I Dash Orange Bitters Stir well with cracked Ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with a Cherry.

Stir well with cracked Ice, strain into 3 oz. Cocktail glass. Twist of Orange Peel and drop in glass.

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