1954 King Cocktail Shake Again with Eddie



"Bonjour, M'sieu. This morning you are the early worm." ^''Birdf Henfi. And I (nofme to catch myself a delicious drinks *'Entendu. And after the ban quet M'sieu is well?"

*'Gayas afmch, asyou sopicturesquely put it. Complete recovery from a night of old-worldjollity *And with the gin you took the Rose's Lime Juice?" Henri—you begin to comprehend the I beaucoup de Rosens. Here goes ! First British train of life, Beaucoup de gin, \ today . .

ROSE'S—/or Gin and Lime


Mlon grand-oncle Texplorateur MY GREAT-UNCLE THE EXPLORER voyage sans I'aide d'une carte. TRAVELS WITHOUT THE AID OF A MAP. En employant comme points USING AS LAND- cotes tons les bars on Ton sert le MARKS ALL THE BARS WHERE THEY SERVE Dubonnet, il suit maintes et maintes DUBONNET, HE FOR EVER BLAZINGf* fols le chemin fraye. (Quei pionnier!)\ THE WELL-WORN TRAIL. Have you tried Dubonnet as a long summer drink? Here's how: — Pour a man- sized measure of Dubonnet into a man-sized DUBONNET DOES NOT AFFECT THE LIVER SOLE distributors: L. rose ft CO. LTD., ST. ALBANS, HERTS. WHAT A PIONEER! glass. Top up with soda and toss in a slice of lemon. Add ice if available. Swallow. Delirious! Refill. Swallow. Etcetera. DUBONNIJ


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