1954 King Cocktail Shake Again with Eddie

FANCY LIQUEURS When making these following tricky drinks, a useful tip is to pour each ingredient gently over the back of a spoon so that the liqueur will run slowly down the inside of the glass and then flow gently over its predecessor, thereby avoiding the colours mixing.

INGEL'S TIP COCKTAIL I Liqueur glass Creme de Cacao Cream floating on top of Liqueur ^ Fresh

RAINBOW COCKTAIL Use pour a liqueur glass ingredients in order: 1 / 7 Crime de Cacao" 1 jl Crime de Violette Ml Yellow Chartreuse 1 / 7 Maraschino Ml Benedictine Ml Green Chartreuse Ml Brandy

and this

ANGEL'S WING Use a liqueur glass and pour ingredients in this order:

3/7 Creme de Cacao 311 Prunelle Brandy 1/7 Fresh Cream

BLEEDING HEART Use a liqueur glass and pour ingredients in this order: \ Advocat ^ Cherry Brandy Please note the Cherry Brandy will pursue a vein like course—hence the name. ANGEL'S KISS Use a liqueur glass and pour ingredients in this order:

ALBANY FANCY FREE Use a liqueur glass and pour ingredients in this order: Cherry Brandy

^ Cointreau ^ Apricotine

GRASSHOPPER Use a liqueur glass and pour ingredients in this order: ^ Green Creme de Menthe White Creme de Cacao IRISH NIGGER Use a liqueur glass and pour ingredients in this order: \ Crime de Cacao ^ Green Crime de Menthe

^ Crime de Cacao ^ Prunelle Brandy \ Crime de Violette ^ Fresh Cream

FRENCH POUSSE CAFE Use a liqueur glass and pour ingredients in this order: 4: Green Chartreuse \ Maraschino i Cherry Brandy 1 1- Kummel


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