1960 The U K B G Guide to Drinks (3 rd edition revised)

Plymouth is particularly potable in Pink

Plymouth is particularly plotab in Pink

Plymus is ploterbarly plonk in Plank

Plympart is plotabelly potent in Pink

Pilimp is pertickarbaly putnik in Pote

Plimick is paternally pernickety in Pot

You didi Without fluffing? You deserve a Pink Plymouth for your pains. Than which there is no finer drink anywhere—as sophisticated gin-drinkers || are always ready to agree. Piymouth,the || only gin distilled In Devon! The only gin for ^ a Pink! Don't disappoint your Plymouth customers—t/jey're customers for fife. PLYMOUTH n for the Pink of perfection Coates & Co.(Plymouth)Ltd. iSL^S Black Friars Distillery.Plymouth,Devon IgSiw

8/ appointment to Her Majezty Queen Eiizofaeth II. Gin Distillers

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