1967 Cocktails and Mixed Drinks by Charles A Tuck


Shake and strain into a tumbler and fill up with chilled Cider. Grate some nutmeg on top.

BULL DOG Put some ice into a big tumbler and then add: 2 measures Dry Gin Juice of halfa lemon I smallspoonfulSugarSyrup or Gomme Fill up with chilled Ginger Ale Stir and serve

ZENITH Strain the juice of a thick slice ofvery ripe pineapple into a large tumbler and then add: 2 measures Dry Gin Gomme to taste 2 lumps ofice Fill up with chilled soda water and then decorate with a slice ofpineapple

ROCKY MOUNTAIN Put plenty of ice into


shaker and add: Juice of I lemon Gomme to taste White of I egg


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