1967 Cocktails and Mixed Drinks by Charles A Tuck
Pousse Cafes
These are usually drunk after meals and they need very careful preparation. The basic ingredients are liqueurs5 and you can use any number ofthesein one drink accord- ing to taste. The golden rule is that they must be poured carefullyinto the glass starting with the heaviest liqueur, so that they remain in successive layers in the glass.The easiest way to achieve this is to pour each liqueur into a spoon,and thence carefully into the glass.Use a different spoonin each case.
JERSEY LILY Use equal parts of Brandy and Yellow Chartreuse
POUSSE L'AMOUR J Maraschino 1 Old Brandy Yolk ofan egg 2 ds Grenadine
KNICKERBEIN \ Curacao \Kummel Yolk ofone egg
be sipped, gulp
This should not but drunk in a
2 ds Angostura on top
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