1967 Cocktails and Mixed Drinks by Charles A Tuck

Juice of^lemon I Sherry glass ofRum I tablespoonful Curacao Shake well and strain into a wine glass. Add chilled soda water ST. CHARLES'PUNCH Put the following into the shaker; I Sherry glass ofPort I Sherry glass ofBrandy 3 ds Curacao Shake well and strain into a tumbler full ofice. Decor ate with fruit in season, and serve with a straw.

PLANTER'S PUNCH Put the following into a shaker: Juice ofI fresh lime I wine glass Bacardi Rum I tablespoonful Gomme Shake well and strain into a tumbler and garnish with nutmeg and a little cayenne pepper

RUM PUNCH Put plenty of ice into the shaker and add:


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