1937 U.K.B.G. Approved Cocktails (United Kingdom Bartender's Guild)



2 dashes Absinthe. 2 dashes Grenadine. 50% Gin. 50% Calvados. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.

DEPTH CHARGE BRANDY. 50% Brandy. 50% Calvados. 2 dashes Grenadine. 4 dashes Lemon Juice. Shake and strain.


50% Whisky (Vat 69). 25% Grape Fruit Juice.

25% Honey. Cracked Ice. Shake and strain into cocktail glass.

DEVON GEM. Invented by Victor Kennard,American Club(Men's). 50% Gin (Booth's London Diy). 16f% Caloric Punch. 33|-% Pineapple Juice. (R. G. Booth. Botded.) 1 dash Lemon Juice. 1 dash Grenadine. Shake.


66f% Dubonnet. 33Jo/o Gin. 2 dashes Orgeat Syrup. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.


16f% Grape Fruit Juice. 16f% Swedish Punch. 66f% Calvados. Shake and strain into cocktail glass.

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