1937 U.K.B.G. Approved Cocktails (United Kingdom Bartender's Guild)


'JOHN McCLINTOCK.' 25% Gin. 25% Curasao. 25% Lemon Juice. 15% Rum. 10% Grenadine. Stir.


3 dashes Absinthe. 33^% Orange Curasao. 66f% Sloe Gin. Mix and strain into cocktail glass.

JOHN'S SPECIAL PICK-ME-UP. Invented by J. E. Jalla. 66f% Brandy.

16f% Absinthe. 10f% Cura9ao. White of an Egg.

Shake and strain.


3 dashes Angostura Bitters. 50% French Vermouth. 50% Cherry Brandy. Stir.


2 dashes Lemon Juice. 2 dashes Cura9ao.

1 dash Angostura Bitters. 16f% French Vermouth. 16f% Italian Vermouth. 66f% Gordon's Dry Gin. Shake and strain into cocktail glass.

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