1920 For Snakes Bites - or something




Bronx Cocktail

~ shot dry gin. . y.( shot Italian vermouth. y.( shot French vermouth. 1 piece orange. Shake well. Brown Cocktail

1 dash orange bitters. % sh'ot Rye whiskey. 73 shot drv gin. Shake.

Busch Cocktail

~ shot Italian vermouth. ~ shot dry gin. 1 barspoonful apple brandy. Shake. Cabinet Cocktail { ~ shot French vermouth. , ~ shot dry gin. Orange peel. Shake. Cafe de Paree Cocktail 1 shot of dry g in. 1 white of egg. 1 barspoon cream. 1 1 barspoon anisette. Frappe. Serve in claret glass. Calumet Club Cocktail 3 dashes of acid phospha>te. 1 dash Angostura bitters. ~ shot bourbon. ~ shot Italian vermouth. Stir. Cat Cocktail -l ~ shot French vermouth. I ' ~ shot dry gin. Stir. Olive. Champagne Cocktail 1 !ump of sugar. 2 dashes Angostura b itters. 1 dash Peychaud bitters. 1 piece of orange peel twbted on top. 1 pint of champagne. Chocolate Cocktail 73 shot maraschino.

75' shot yellow chartreuse. 73 shot black'berry brandy. 1 yolk of egg. Shake.

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