1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GO.OD CHEER" Duke Cocktail


Y.l shot French vermouth. % shot dry gin. Stir.

Dutch Charlie's Cocktail

2 dashes Angos tura bitters. Y.J shot rye whiskey. Y.l shot Dubonnet. Y.l shot Italian vermouth. Stir well. Express Cocktail 1 dash orange bitters. % shot Italian vermouth. % shot Scotch whiskey. Shake. Fairbank's Cocktail 10 dashes apricot brandy. 1 shot rye whiskey.

1 dash Angostura bitters. Serve in old-fashion glass.

Fancy Brandy Cocktail, Fancy Gin Cocktail, and Fancy Whiskey Cocktail

1 dash of syrup. 1 dash curac;ao. 1 dash Angostura bitters. 1 shot brandy, gin or whiskey, as desired. Shake. T wist a p iece of lemon peel. Farmer's Cocktail 3 dashes Angostura bi-tters. % shot dry gin. % shot French vermouth. % shot Italian vermouth. Shake well. The Favorite Cocktail Juice of one lime. 3 or 4 sprigs of mint crushed. 1 shot dry gin. 1 pt. imported ginger ale. Fill glass with cube ice and serve. Four Dollar Cocktail % shot dry gin.

% shot French vermouth. % shot Italian vermouth.

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