1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD CHEER" Two-Spot Cocktail


0 shot French ibrandy. 0 shot ·brown cura<;ao.

Shake. Strain info cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel on top. Union League Cocktail 1 dash orange bitters. ~ shot port wine. % shoit Torn gin. Stir well. Vienna Cocktail

0 s•hiot Italian vermouth. 0 shot French vermouth. 1 dash absinthe. •Frappe.

Virgin Cocktail

0 shJot dry gin. ~ shot Italian verrnout'h. 2 das•hes raspberry syrup. 2 dashes Angositura bitters. Shake. Waldorf Cocktail ~ shot rye whiskey. ~ shot Italian vermouth. ~ sh.-0t absinthe. 2 dashes orange bitters. Shake. Waldorf Queen's .2 sHces pfoeapple moddled. 0 shot dry gin.

~ s•hot French vermou•th. ~ shot Italian vermouth. Small piece of orange. Fra'Ppe we!l. Strain into cocktail glass and serve. White Elephant Cocktail ~ shot Italian vermouth. % shot dry gin. White of egg. Shake well. White Lion Cocktail 1 barspoon sugar. 0 shot lemon juice.

3 dashes Angostura ·bitters. 3 dashes raspberry syrup. 1 shot St. Croix rum. Shake well. Whiskey Cocktail 2 dashes Angostura bitters. 1 small lump of sugar. 1 shot ;boutibon. Piece of lemon peel.

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