1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD OHEER" Floradora High-Ball


Ju ice of 0 a lime. y,( 5'ho t raspberry. y,( shot dry g in. 1 lump cube ice. 1 pint g inger ale.

Plain Ginger Ale High-Ball

1 lemon rind on a spiral shaped piece. Place a round piece of ice inside of the rind. Add 1 pint of ginger ale. Grape Juice High-Ball 1 lemond rind. 0 split white or red grape juice. 1 lump of ice. 1 pint ginger ale. Hawaii High-Ball Rind and juice of 1 orange. I shot rye. 1 pin;t g inger ale. Irish Whiskey High-Ball I lemon rind. I shot Iri S'h whiskey. 1 pint ginger ale. I dash Angostu_ra 1 bi•tters. Khatura High-Ball

y,( s•hot French vermouth. y,( shot Italian vermouth. 0 shot gin. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. 1 pint ginger ale.

Mint High-Ball

I bunch of fresh mint. Crush lightly. I lump ice. I pint ginger ale.

Moraine High-Ball

2 shots Rhine wine. % lemon meddled I lemon rind. · I lump ice. % ~·hot curai;ao. 1 pint clutb soda.

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