1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GO'OD CHEER" Chocolate Daisy


Juice of 1 lime. 0 shot brandy. 0 shot pol"'t. 7J shot raspberry syrup. Goblet, with fine ice. Fruit.

Gin Daisy

Juice 0 lemon. 1 shot gin.

0 shot raspberry syrup. In goblet with: fine ice. Fruit. Ginger Daisy Juice 0 lime. 0 barspoonful sugar. 0 s'hot gin. 0 shot 1 brandy. Shake in fine ice. Pour into goblet. De'Corate with .fruit and mint. Highland Daisy Juice % lemon. Juke% lime. Juice % orange. % shot Scotch whiskey. 1 shot sy·rup. In go1b_let with fine ice. Decorate with fruit . June Daisy Juice % lemon. Juice 0 lime. Juice % orange. 0 shot raspberry syrup. In goblet with fine ice. Fill with ginger ale. Decorate wibh fruit. Rum Daisy Juice % lemon. 1 sh0'1: rum. % shot raspberry syrup. In goblet with fine ice. Decorate with fruit.

Star Daisy

Juice % lime. % shot gin. 0 shot applejack.

% shot grenadine syrup. . In go'blet with fine ice. Fruits.

Made with