1920 For Snakes Bites - or something



Whiskey Daisy

Juice ~ lemon. 1 shot whiskey.

~ shot raspberry syrup. In gablet wi-th fine ice. Fruits.

EGGNOGGS Brandy Eggnogg

1 egg. 1 shot •brandy.

1 dash Jamaica rum. 1 barspoonful sugar.

Milk. Shake and strain. Dash of nutmeg on top. Rum Eggnogg 1 shot Jamaica rum. 1 barspoonful sugar. 1 egg. Milk. Shake and strain. Dash of nutmeg on top. Whiskey Eggnogg 1 s'hot bou!"bon. 1 dash J ama-ica rum. 1 egg. 1 barspoonful sugar. Milk. Shake and strain. Dash of nutmeg on top.

FIZZES Angostura Fizz

Juice of ~ a lemon. 1 barspoonful of sugar. ~ shot Angostura. 1 white of egg. 1 barspoonfol ·of cream. Shake well and strain into fo:z glass. Fill and siphon.

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