1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD CHiEER" Whiskey Lemonade


Plain lemonade. Float one shot whiskey on top. Fruit.

MISCELLANEOUS Angostura Phosphate Use a Phosphaote Glass

Yz teaspoonful add phosphate. 1 teaspoonful Angostura bitters.

2 tablespoonfuls lemon syrup, or juice of 0 lemon well sweetened. ·Fill glass with car– bonic water. Angostura Ginger Ale 1 glass ginger ale. 3 dashes Angostura bitters. Appetizer Four dashes aibsinthe. Yz s1hot dry gin. Yz shot Fren·ch or Italian vermouth. U se la rge glass and add little seltzer. Shake well. Brandy Float Fill a pony glass with brandy. Put a whiskey glass over it, rim down. Reverse the glass– es, holding th em tightly together so as to keep the •bra ndy in the pony glass; then fill the whiskey glass one-half full of seltzer and draw otit the pony glass very carefully so as to leave the brandy floating on top of seltzer. Chocolate Cream Puff 3 das·hes acid p·hosphate. 1 pony cream. 1 yolk of egg. Shake, strain and fill glass with siphon. Cliquot 0 shot orange juice. 1 shot rye. 2 dashes St. Croix rum. Serv e in old fashioned glass and twist a lemon peel on top.

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