1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD CHEER" Cream Puff


Yz ibarspoonful sugar. 1 shot cream. 1 shot St. Croix rum. Shake, strain a nd add littl e siphon on top. Creole Lady y,! s'hot mara schino. ¥<[ shot bourbon. 1 shot Ma deira. 2 che r ries. Sha ke; strain into claret glass. De Luxe Bracer 1 pony white absinthe. 1 dashi French vermout h. 1 dash anisette. 1 dash yellow cha rtreuse. Shake well and strain into D elmonico glass. Add a little seltzer and serve. Diarrhea Mixture Use Whiskey Glass 3 dashes Jamaica g ing er. 1 dash peppermint. 1 pony bla ckberry brandy. 1 pony good brandy and put a littl e nutmeg on top. Yz lemon juice. Yz barspoon sugar. Dream 2 dashes assor ted cordials on top. Dutch Mike Yz lime. 2 dash es Amer Pir;on. 1 s·hot Tom g in. 1 Jump ice. Long glass. Fill with seltzer. Egg Phosphate 1 egg. 1 barspoon sugar. Juice of one orange. 3 da shes acid phospha te. Shake w ell, st rain a nd serve w ith straw. Floaters ;J4 shot Russia n kummel. y,! shot g ood brandy. ked. 1 shot dry g in. 1 whi•te of eg g.

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