1920 For Snakes Bites - or something



Irish Rose Irish Whiskey High Bali with three or four dashes of grenadine syrup. Jersey Flashlight 2 lumps suga r. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. 1 shot apple brandy. T wist lemon peel on top. Add little hot wa– t er ; light with a match and serve. Jersey Lily Pousse Cafe 0 s'hot g reen chartreuse. 0 shot brandy. 10 drops Angos'tura bitters. Pour brandy in carefully so it will not mix. Serve. Jersey Sunset 0 shot syrup. Add two drops ·of Angostura bitters, which should not be stirred in, 'but be allowed to drop slowly througli the a'bove mixture. June Rose 1 orange juice. 0 shot dry gin. ~ shot raspberry syrup. Shake, strain, fill glass with siphon. Knickerbein ~ shot benedictine. 1 yolk of egg. 3 dashes kummel. 1 dash Angostura bitters. Use sherry glass and see tha't different in– gredient s are not mixed. Knickerbocker y,j shot raspberry syrup. Juice of one lemon. 1 shot Jamaica rum. 2 dashes brown cura~ao. Shake, strain into gO'l>let with fine ice. Dress with fruit in season. Juice of ~ a lime. Juice of ~ a lemon. 1 shot plain water. 1 shot apple brandy. 1 lemon peel. Crushed ice in the 1rnblet.

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