1920 For Snakes Bites - or something



Sherry and Bitters 1 dash of 1bitters and fill glass with sherry wine and serve. Sherry and Egg 1 •barspoonful of sherry wine. 1 fresh egg and fill glass with s·herry until it floats. Serve. Silver Dream Juice of 711 lemon. 711 barspoonful sugar. 1 white of egg. 1 shot of dry gin. Shake well, strain into claret glass, then squirt a li:btle seltzer on top and serve. Soda Negus Punch Bowl 4 dashes of Angos•tum ·bitters. 1 pint of port wine. 10 or 12 lumps of loaf sugar. 12 whole doves. 1 teaspoon nu.tmeg. Piut above ·ingredients into saucepan, warm and stir well. Do not let it 'boil. Remove this mixture to cool, then add 1 pint s·oda in punch and serve in cups. Snowball 1 whrtc of egg. 1 barspoon sugar. 1 shot rum or brandy. Shake, strain and fill glass with ginger ale and serve. ·711 lemon juice. 1 barspoon sugar. y,( shot brandy. Soother y,( -shot apple jack. y,( shot oeura.;ao. S'hake, strain into goblet filled with fine ke. Special Soul Kiss 1 shot orange juke. 1 shot lemon juice. 1 shot dry gin. 1 ibarspoon sugar. Shake well and pour ice and all into goblet and serve.

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