1920 For Snakes Bites - or something


White Plush

~ s,hot rye. % shot maraschino. 1 egg. 1 small bottle milk. Shake, strain into thin glass and serve. Widow's Dream % shot benedictine. 1 egg. 1 shot cream. Shake, strain and serve. Widow's Kiss % shot ><:reme de •coco. % shot yellow chal.'treuse. % shot benedictine. Beaten white of egg on tOlp. Widow's Kiss No. 2 1 yolk of egg. Shake well, then fill high-ball glass ~ full with seltzer and float a·bove mixture on top. Whiskey Float Fill glass ~ full of fizz water; pour 1 shot .bourbon or rye whiskey slowly on top of fizz water and serve. Whiskey Fix 1 ·barspoonful sugar. Juice of ~ lemon. 1 slhot whiskey. Shake and strain foto gO'blet and dress with fouit in season. PUN.CHES American Beauty Punch 1 barspoonful creme de imenthe in goblet filled wirh fine ice. Mix juice of ~ orange. ~ ·barspoonful sugar. ~ shot brandy. ~ shot French vermouth .in mixing glass. Shake; strain into goblet. Dress with fruit and mint. Top off with 1 'barspoonful of port rwine. 1 'barspoonful sugar. 1 shot rye whiskey.

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