1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD CH:81ER" Bull Moose Punch


% shot rye whiskey. % shot bourbon whiskey. % shot dry gin. 1 dash Angositura ·bitters. 1 ·dash orange bitters. 3 dashes syrup. Shalce, strain into goblet. Fill with crushed ~ce and dress with fruit. Cardinal Punch Cover the bottom of a punch bowl with loaf sugar in 2 quarts sparkling water, 2 quarts 'Claret, 1 pint cognac, 1 pint rum. 1 pint sparkling moselle. 1 shot vermouth. 3 oranges, sliced. 1 lemon, sJ.ic~d. % pineapple, sliced. 1 large piece of ice. Serve in punch gla.;ses. Champagne Punch 1 Gallon Punch Bowl Juice of 4 lemons. 1 'Pony maraschino (Holland). 3 ponies cognac. · 1 pony brown cura1;ao. 1 dash yellow chartreuse. 2 quarts champagne. 2 quarts Apollinaris, •or any other brand the customer desires. Sugar to •taste. Fruit. Champagne Punch No. 2 1 Gallon Punch Bowl 2 quarts imported champagne.

1 quart Rhine wine. 1 quart Apollinaris. 1 quart lemon juice.

2 shots cura1;ao. 1 shot applejack. 1 shot brandy. Sugar to taste. Dress with fruit.

Claret Punch

Goblet fine ice. 1 shot claret.

4 dashes lemon juice. 2 dashes 1 cura1;ao. 2 dashes syrup. Dress with fruits.

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