1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOO'D CHEER" Orange Juice With a Kick


Add to the orange juice a dash of charged water, or a little ginger ale just before serv– ing. This will serve as a before-dinner appe– tizer. Orange Honey Cocktail Mix >in a c ocktail shaker % cup orange juice, 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice, 2 table– spoonfuls honey, a few grains of salt. Put crushed ice in four cocktail glasses, pour in the mixture, serve at once, garnished with shrredded yellow orange rind. Orange Mint Arrange fresh minrt leaves, lengthwise, at equal distances apart in frapp e glasses, allow– ing four to each glass. Fill the glasses four– fifths with shaved ice, then fill the glass with orange juice sweetened to taste. Cherry Cocktail Take y,i cup maraschfoo syrup from a bot– tle o·f maraschino •cherries, add 2 rta'blespoon– fuls orange juice, 1 ta·blespoon honey, and 1 ta'blespoonful lemon juice. Add % cup ef– fervescing water. .Mix well in a cocktail shak– er and pour over crushed ice in 4 cocktail glasses. Garnish with a slice of maraschino cherry in rbottom and on edge of glass. Lemonade The proportions, when ice is to be used for cooling, are 2 cups of sugar, % cup of lemon juice and 1 quart of water. The ice will di– lute this somewhat. Limeade Limeade is made in much the same way and is more refreshing than lemonade. Lemon Ginger Allow, fo_r each glass, the juice of half a lemon, 2 rtablespoonfuls of ginger syrup, and 2 talblespoonfuls of pineapple juice. Add cracked ice and shake well. Add water. Lemon Beer Add 1 sliced lemon to 1 gallon o.f boiling water, 1 ounce of ·bruised ginger, 1 pound of sugar, and 1 teacupful of yeast. Let it stand from 12 to 2'() hours, then botitle.

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