1920 For Snakes Bites - or something



Lemon Mint Ale Mix together the juice of 4 lemons and 1~ cups of sugar until the sugar is thoroughly melted. Put in a punch bowl 6 stalks and leaves of mint, bruised. Fill the bowl half full of era-eked ice and add 2 bottles of gin– ger ale. Lemon Snow Fill a glass three-fourths full of lemonade, ~ full of ice and top with the stiffly beaten white of an egg, sweetened and flavored with lemon juice. Lemon-Pineapple Boil together 1 pinrt of water and 1 pound of sugar; add the strained juice of four lem– ons, 1 can of grated pinea·pple, and 1 quart of iced water. Sparkling Lemonade Squeeze the juice of 9 lemons and strain; add ~ pound of sugar, 1~ sliced oranges, ~ shredded pineap.ple, and ~ box of straw·ber– ries. Put in a punch bowl with ice, and be– fore serving add a quart of thoroughly chilled caiibonated waiter. Grape Juice Wash one cup of grapes and remove from the stems; place them in a quart jar; add ~ cup sugar and fill the jar with boiling water. Seal and allow to stand for at least one month. Strain when using. Special Lemonade Put 6 tablespoonfuls of rasp'berry JUiee and 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar in a saucepan (the juice of canned berries or fresh berries may be used). Cook for three minutes, or until there is the third of a cup of syrup. Chill thoroughly, and add 6 taiblespoorufuls of or– ange juice and 4 tablespoonfuls of lemon juice, and crushed ice. Shake in a cocktail shaker. Ginger Pop Bruise 2 ounces white ginger root, and boil ; add 2 gallons of lukewarm waiter, 2 pounds of granulated sugar, the juice of two lemons, ta– blespoonful of cream of tartar, and 1 cup of y·east. Place this mixture in a stone jar and keep in a warm place for 24 hours, then bot– tle. It will be ready for use •the day after bot– tling.

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