1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD CHEER" Ginger Beer


Slice lemons, having first removed the seeds, into an earthenware vessel. Add 3 ounces of bruised ginger, 6 cups of sugar, and 4 gallons of boiling water. When the mixture has be– come lukewarm, add 1i cake of compressed yeast which has been dissolved in a little wa– ter. Cover the mixture with a piece of cheese– cloth and allow to stand 24 hours, then strain and 'bottle. Cork securely but not so tightly that 1the bottle would 1break ·before the .cork would fly out. Keep in a cool place until used. Ginger Punch Pour 2 quarts of water over 2 cupfuls of sugar and add 1 pound of coarsely chopped canton ginger. Boil for 20 minutes, then add ~ cup of lemon and 1 cupful of orange jui·ce. Strain. Cool and ice. Inexpensive Drink To 1 cupful of pure cider vinegar add half a cup of good molasses and 1 quart of ice wa– ter. A tablespoonful of ground ginger im– proves the flavor. Glaces These are often •called "SnoW'balls." They are made by adding sugar syrup and crushed fruit to finely shaved ice. A shaver can be bought at any hardware store. Phosphates ·Cherry, strawberry, raspberry, pineapple, lemon and orange phosphates may 'be made by taking 3 ounces of the tfr.uit phosphate, adding 16 ounces of water and ice. The fruit phosphaites are made 1by taking 3 pints of fruit juice, 6 pounds of sugar, 1 pint of water, 4 ounces of acid phosp'hate. The fruit juice, sugar and water are· first brought to a boil, then cooled and the acid phosphate added. The juice of a lemon is always an improve– ment in making phosphates.

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