1920 For Snakes Bites - or something

"GOOD ·CHEER" Bijou Cocktail


% shot green chartreuse. \I % shot d·ry gin. 1' % shot Italian vermouth. Shake. Beauty Spot Cocktail % soot orange juice. 7:i shot Italian vermouth. '/' 7:i sho1 French vermouth. % shot gin. Dash of grenadine bottom of g lass. Bird Cocktail % shot brown curai;ao. % shot brandy. Shake well. Bishop Cocktail % shot rye whiskey. % shot sloe gin. Stir. 1 cherry. Blackstone Cocktail 7:i shot Italian vermouth. .J' 7:i shot French vermouth. ii'\ % shot dry gin. 1 piece orange peel. Shake. 1 barspoonful orange juice. 1 barspoonful maraschino. Crush 1 lump of sugar. % shot Scotch. % shot Italian vermouth. Shake. Brandy Cocktail 2 dashes orange bitters. 1 shot good brandy. 2 dashes plain syrup. Stir. B.ridal Cocktail. 1 dash orange bitters. '}- % s•hot Italian vermouth. % shot dry gin. 1 dash maraschino (Holland). Stir well. Orange peel on top. 1 shot Jamaica rum. 1 barspoon syrup.. 1 barspoon claret. 1 dash lemon juke. Shake. Black Hawk Cocktail

Bobbie Burns Cocktail (For Two)

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