1900 The 20th century guide for mixing fancy drinks ..

TWENTIETH CENTURY GUIDE. BRANDY JULEP. Is made the same as the Mint Julep. BHANDY PUNCH. Fill mixing glass two-thirds full fine ice. 3^ tablespoonful sugar.


I teaspoonful lemon juice. I teaspoonful pineapple syrup.

I wine glass of brandy.

After shaking the above ingredients fill the glass with ice and dress with fruits, dash a little old Jamaica rum on top and serve.

BRANDY SLING (HOT). Fill a hot water glass two-thirds full hot water.

I piece of lemon peel. I piece of loaf sugar.

I wine glass brandy. Stir slowly, grate nutmeg on top, serve. For a cold Brandy Sling use a piece of ice and cold water.

BRANDY SMASH. Take an old-fashioned cocktail glass.

I teaspoonful sugar dissolved with seltzer. 3 or 4 sprigs of mint pressed slightly with mud- dler. Then fill the glass two-thirds full cracked ice. wine glass brandy. Stir well, dash it with seltzer and draw the leaves of the mint upward; serve with a spoon in the glass. I

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