1936 The Artistry of Mixing Drinks by Frank Meier



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AFFINITY In mixing-glass:a dash ofAngos tura Bitters,one-fourth each of French and Italian Vermouth, half Scotch Whisky; stir well and serve. ALASKA In shaker : one-third yellow Chartreuse, two-thirds Gin; shake well and serve. ALEXANDRA In shaker:one-fourth each fresh Cream and Creme de Cacao, half Gin;shake well and serve. ALEXANDRA(Special) In shaker:one-fourth each fresh Cream and Anisette, half Bran dy; shake well and serve. ^ In mixing-glass: half Dubonnet, half dry Sherry ; stir slightly and serve. ALFONSO XIII

ALMAZA In mixing-glass: a teaspoon of Aperitif Rossi,two-thirds Gin; one-third Martini Vermouth, stir well and serve. ANGEL'S KISS Pour slowly and carefully into liqueur glass one-third each of Creme de Cacao, Brandy and fresh Cream, ingredients should not mix. APPETISER In mixing-glass: a teaspoon of Maraschino,a dash ofAngostura Bitters,one glass ofBrandy;stir well and serve. APPLE JACK In shaker:a dash ofOrange Bit ters,ateaspoon ofCurasao,one glass ofApple Jack or Calvados; shake well and serve. AUTOMOBILE In mixing-glass: a dash of Or ange Bitters, one-third each of Italian Vermouth,Gin & Scotch Whisky; stir well and serve.

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