1936 The Artistry of Mixing Drinks by Frank Meier


BYRRH ^ In mixing-glass: one-sixth Kirsch, two-sixths Brandy, half Byrrh; shake well and serve. CAFE DE PARIS In shaker: half white of Egg, a dash of Anisette, a teaspoon of fresh Cream, one-half glass of Gin; shake well, strain into double cocktail glass and serve. CANADIAN In mixing-glass: a dash of An gostura Bitters, two-thirds Canadian Whiskey, one-third Italian Vermouth; stir well and serve. CARUSO In mixing-glass: one-third each French Vermouth, St. Raphael and Gin; stir well and serve. CHAMPAGNE in large wineglass: a dash of An gostura Bitters on small lump of Sugar, a slice of Lemon peel, a piece of Ice; fill with Cham pagne, stir and serve.



PICK-ME-UP In shaker: a dash of Grenadine, the juice of one-half Orange, one-half glass of Brandy; shake well, strain into fizz glass, fill with Champagne and serve. CHATTERLEY In shaker: a teaspoon each of Orange juice and Curasao, one-fourth French Vermouth, half Gin; shake well and serve. CHINESE In shaker: a dash each of An gostura Bitters andMaraschino, a teaspoon of Grenadine, one- half glass of Rum; shake well and serve. CIDER In large wineglass: a dash of Angostura Bitters, a slice of Lemon peel, a piece of Ice; fill withsweetCider,stirslight- ly and serve.

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