1874 The American Bar-Tender or The Art and Mystery of Mixing Drinks by E A Simmons


The President and Congress. To the memory ef all those who foughtand bleed in our greak and victorious slruggloss for libertj-, honor and justice. American virtue and honor before foreign libertinism and skepticism. , The 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence, so heavy that Johnny Bull could not lift it. Our Eepublic—Hay it outlive the people, and may the people outlive the earth. Tlie good Constitution of the United States—A bad constitu tion to those who don't like it. An American passport to travel with, and the American con stitution for a companion. The snow-capped mountains of America, an emblem of the na tion's purity ; may they stand for ever. The protectors of Commerce, and protectors of charity in our cities and towns, utility and success to everyone ofthem The health of the soul, the mind, and the body. May America, a globe within her.?elf, roll forever on the axis of liberty. May the sous of America never forget the struggles of their fathers, and the fortitude of their motherj. America, though her cradles on the deep may rook, stiU the foe shall never find her sous asleep. Our land, our lakes, and skies, our timber and supplies.

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