1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler


Jmnes Otis, the Populcw Juvenile Writer, needs no intro~~tction to the boys of to-da;y. TELEGRAPH .TOM'S VENTURE A high ly entertaining story of a boy who assisted a United States offi· cer of the law in working up a famous case. The narrative is both inter· esting a nd instructive in that it shows what a bright boy can accomplish when throw n upon bis own resources. Throughout an intensely inter– esting a nd exciting story. 228 pages. MESSENGER NO. 48 Relates the experiences of a faithful messenger boy in a large city, who, in a nswering a call was the mea ns of ferreting out a band of crimi· nals who for )•ears had baf!led the police and detectives. The story tells of the m a ny dangers and hardships these boys have to undergo; the impor– ta nt services they often render by their clever movements; a nd how by his fidelity to duty, Messenger Boy No. 48 rose to a most important position of trust and h onor. It teaches boys that self-reliance, pluck, and the faithful performance of duties are the real secret of success. 241 pages. DOWN THE SLOPE The hero of this story is a boy, who, in order to assist his mother, works as "brea ker" in a coal mine. The book tells how coal miners work; their social condition; their ha rdships and privations; and the older reader will get a n excellent idea of the ca uses of labor troubles in this industry, a nd will become more sympathetic toward this class of people. The young readers wHI find in this book a hig h ideal of a boy's devotion to his mother, and w ill learn how m r.nly courage and a brave heart will overcome g reat difficulties, and lead to success a nd honor. , 273 pages. T EDDY A captivating story of how Teddy, a village boy, helped to raise the mortgage o n his mother 's home, and the mea ns he took for doing so. The obstacles his crabbed uncle placed in his way; his connection with the fakirs a t the county fair; his successful cane and knife board; his q ueer lot of friends and how they aided him; and how he finally outwitted bis enemies, a re all set forth so clearly and attractively in this volume that we forget that the h ero is not a real boy, and his trials a nd successes rea l occurrences. The characters a re taken from life, Mr. Otis himself acting as "fakir" in order to become thoroughly acquainted with the sur· roundings. "Teddy" is sure to win a warm place in the hearts of all boy readers. 293 pages. All of the above are bo\lnd in cloth, h ave special cover designs in twr colors, with titles stamped in gold; illustrated; 12mo. Price, 75c. each. Any of the abtnJe Books sent postpaid upon reurpt of price by THE SAALFIELD PUBLISHING - tOMPANY. AKROR, OHIO.

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