1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Cincinnati. A glass half-full of lemon soda; then fill with draught beer. , Cherry Brandy. Ten pounds of ripe wild cherries are freed from their pits, the pits are pulverized, aud, with the cherries and one gallon brandy, placed in a demi– john or a covered stone jar for eight weeks. Add two pounds refined sugar, filter through filtering– paper, bottle; bnt use only after it has been bot– tled at least six weeks. Claret Lemonade. Make a plain, sweet lemonade, add a jigger of claret before shaking; decorate with fruit. Serve straws. Mulled Claret. Put in a dish four lumps sugar, two jiggers claret, the juice of a quarter of a lemon, a little powdei:ed allspice, three cloves, a small stick cin– nc1mon. Bring the above to the boiling point, then strain into a hot-drink glass, and add a slice of lemon . Mulled Claret and Egg. Prepare same as Mulled Claret, leaving out the lump sugar. Boil the mixture one minute. Beat I

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