1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



sh ake wen, strain into thin. glass, grate nutmeg on top. Gin Flip. Prepare in. the same manner as Egg Flip, sub– stituting Tom gin for sherry. Glasgow Flip. - Beat up a fresh egg with one tablespoonful fine sugar and the juice of one lemon. Put this prepara– tion in a long thin glass, add a lump of i ce, fill up with a cold bottle of imported ginger ale; mix well. Serve. Golden Flip. One pony maraschino, one pony yellow char– t1'.euse, half a tablespoonful fine sugar, one egg; shake well in a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, strain into a fancy bar-glass, grate a little nutmeg on top. Jamaica Rum Flip. Fill a niixing-glass.h alf-full fine ice, add h alf a tablespoonful fine sugar, one egg, one jigger Ja– maica rum; shake well, strain into a fancy bar– glass. Serve with a little grated nutmeg on top. Port Wine Flip. 1 Prepare in the same manner as J amaica Rum Flip, substituting port wine for rum.

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