1906 Modern American Drinks by George J Kappeler



Tea :f.:iemonade. Prepar e in th e same manner as a Plain Lemon– ade, using cold tea in the place of water. Limeade. Mi x same as Plain Lemonade, using the juice of limes in place of lemon . Italian Wine Lemonade. Di ssolve one t ablespoonful fine sugar with a litt le water i_?. a long thin punch-glass, add half a pon y r aspberry syrup, the juice of the quarter of an orange, the same of lemon, one ji gger dry sh erry , fill th e glass three-fourths full fine ice, then fill with cold water; mix wel1, ornament with • fruit in season. Ser ve straws. White Lion. Cut the peel of half a lemon from it in one !Ong thin piece, place it in a mi xing-glass, add the juice of h alf a lemon , one tablespoonful fine sugar, one t ablespoonful r aspberry syrup, m;ie ji gger St . Croix rum, one pony cura~oa; mix well, put all in a long thin glass, ornament with fruit. Ser ve straws. Alderman's Nip. A small lump of ice in a whiskey-glass, one dash acid phosphate 1 a small :piece lemon-peel, on~

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