1827 Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked


Lisbon, a quantity of which, during the last season, (in consequence of there not being a sufficient supply of inferior Bucellas, to meet the demands of those who required a second description), was, I understand, made up to bear some likeness to the genuine Bucellas, and in some instances, the better qualities of it were actually shipped as such. The method of manufacturing a second-rate qua- lity of spurious Bucellas, to the Dry Lisbon I have just mentioned, so as to pass for the genuine ar- ticle, is, by the admixture of Cape Bucellas; (a Wine, which bears some resemblance, in point of character, but which still retains the earthy flavor by which all Cape Wines are so well known) a portion of Thin Dry Lisbon, and a quantum of Brandy Cowe, which latter is highly serviceable in diminishing the body, and giving the whole a light, delicate appearance. This composition, with a proportion of about one half of the genuine Wine, produces that which is advertised, and sold, as 1 Fine Old delicately pale Bucellas,' remarkably cheap, for ready money only. TENT. So little, that is disposed of, by our advertisers and placnrders, under this denomination, is the foreign and genuine Tent Wine, that although upon the whole, in comparison with other Wines, but a small portion is sold ; yet, the impositions, of which it is made the medium, deserve a short no-

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