1835 Oxford night caps (3rd edition)


MILK PUNCH. "Varm two quarts of water and one of new milk, then mix them well together, and sweeten it with a s ufficient quan– tity of loaf sugar. nub a few knobs of loaf s ugar on the peeling of a lemon ; put thern into a jug with th e above, and pour into it gradually half a. pi~t of lemo~ juice, stirring th e mixture a s 1t 1s poured in. Then add one quart of white brandy. Strain it through a flannel bag or a fin e hair sieve. Bottle it , off, and if placed in a cool cellar it will keep ten days or a fortnight. Jellies are sometimes used in making this Puncli b ' Ut they are not necessary, as the milk will suf_ ficiently temper the acrimony of the lemon juice. OXFORD MILK PUNCH. Dissolve two pounds and a half of doubl e refined sugar in one gallon of cold sprino· water; acid to it a quarter of a pint 0 ~· orange flower water, th e juice of twenty

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