1847 Oxford night caps (4th edition)


calves-feet jelly in a liquid state, a sufficient quantity of loaf sugar, (about half a pound ;) put the whole into a jug, pour on it one quart of boiling water; add four glasses of brandy, stir it well together, and it is fit for use e . LEMON PUNCH TO KEEP. Cut the rind off six lemons if large, eight if small, squeeze out the juice, put the rind and the juice together, and add one quart of white brandy. Let it remain closely covered for lemons be squeezed into two quarts of water, put into it a sufficient quantity of double re- fined sugar to sweeten the whole. Boil it well, and when quite cold, pour into it a bottle of sherry or madeira. Then mix it well with the e Many of the first statesmen of the present day (should they see this) will recognise it as the liquor in- variably drank by them at College before they attended their debating parties. three or four days. Let the juice of six or eight additional

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