1847 Oxford night caps (4th edition)
lemon and brandy, and, if sufficiently sweet
it through a flannel bag into a small
At the expiration of three months bottle
it off, and, if the bottles are well corked and kept in a cool place, it will be fit to drink in a month.
ALMOND PUNCH. Extract the juice from the peeling of one lemon and one Seville orange by rubbing loaf sugar on them. The juice of six lemons and one Seville orange, one bottle of capillaire, and a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar. Put the whole into a jug, and when well mixed, pour upon it three pints of boiling water. Cover the jug close, and keep it near the fire a quarter of an hour. Then add three ounces of sweet and half an ounce of bitter almonds, blanched, and pounded fine in a mortar, and gradually mixed with a bottle of white brandy. Stir it well, and if sufficiently sweet it may be used immediately.
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