1857 The Bordeaux wine and liquor dealers' guide



FORMULA No. 16.-0herry Bramily.

To 40 galls. p. or n. spirits, add : 5 do. water, 10 lbs. sugar, 1 lb. bruised bitter almonds, 1 oz. cloves,

1 do. cassia. Color with sugar coloring, mix well. Let it stand 30 days, and then draw it off.

FoRMULA No. 17.-Raafaerry Brandy.

To 40 galls. p. or n. spirits, add : 4 do. water, 40 qts. raspberries, 6 lbs. loaf sugar, 1 oz. cloves,

1 do. cassia. Color if necessary. Let it stand 15 days, draw it off. Strain and :fine it as in fining wines.

FoRMULA No. 18.-B'laekberry Bramily.

To 40 galls. p. or n. spirits, add : 5 do. water, 40


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