1857 The Bordeaux wine and liquor dealers' guide
4 lbs. loaf sugar, 8 galls. cheap cape wine, 2 oz. tincture of kino.
Stand one week.
FoRMULA. No. 2s.-Sher7y Ww.
To 40 galls. prepared cider, add : 5 do. spirits, 2 lbs. wild honey, i lb. bitter almonds (beat up), -t oz. orris root (sliced), 2 lbs. raisins (bruised). Stand 10 days, and draw it off.
FoRMULA No. 29.-P()l't Wine.
To 40 galls. prepared cider, add: 5 do. spirits, 10 qts. wild grapes (clusters), 1 lb. bruised rhatany root, 3 lbs. loaf sugar, 4 oz. tincture of kino. -- Stand 10 days, draw it off, and color with tincture of rhatany.
FoRMULA No. 30.-Pm Wine.
To 40 galls. prepared cider, add:
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