1859 The Book of one Hundred Beverages - BERNHARD (William) -


BBJWU'AS'? BB:VBAGBS. 1'f becaa9e if you do not ( aDd we b.v&. known rmny - otherwise accomplished peraoDS fail in~----· ..f. ·-' sideratum), here i&a reci~~Or yo~""r~ . ··~: Io the first place, the tea-pot must be thorough- 1 y clean, and tfl.e water thoroughly boiling. ·There should not be a leaf of stale teo. left from the last meal. The tests of boiling are l'lll'ious with dif– fere.nt people, but there can be no uncertainty if the steam oome out of the lid of the kettle ; and it is best therefore to be sure upon that .evidence. No good tea can be depended upon from an um, because an urn cannot be kept boiling, and water should n;:~ut UJ>?D tea but in~ thoroughly and y boilmg state. · Hit has done boiling, it should be· made to boil·again. Boiling, proportion, and· attention, are the three ma.gic words of tea maJring. The water aboaW be soft, bani water being 8111'& to spoil . 9e beli tea. ~ and it ia adrilable to &he:· ta-pot &o~nst a chill by letting a ~wmtity of Lot water st.and in it befbre !OU ~ empt~ it out of coune, when yoo. ao so. These prewaea being taken· care o( exoellem te& aa be · IDlllt. for one penon,. by ~ mto the pol two or three tea.-epoonfuls, and u · mllCh water u will cover the quantity ; let tbia ~ ive minate1, uid then add as much more • will twice fill the cup ra are going 1D use. .. Le.Ye thia ~ water amt.her five minut.es, Md then, .fir#.,.. ting the euga.r and milk into the cup, pom out the tea. ; milking sure to put in aoother cup of boiling wat.er direclly. .. 2

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