1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
berry has been employed to augment the color of Port wine. The extracts of logwood and rliatany are used for the same purpose. For other coloring material the reader is referred to the different formuloo, and to the "Appendix." Flavoring substances are also frequently added to wines. For instance, in Spain a dry kind of Sherry, called ~[ontellado, is added to Sherries that are deficient in the nutty flavor; and, being very light in color, it is also used to reduce the color of Sherries that are too high. In this country American wines are flavored and colored so as to make them resemble im– ported wines. The alcoholic solution of the essential oil of bitter almonds is, perhaps, inore used than any other flavoring iuaterial for the purpose of giving a nutty flavor to inany weak– fiavored wines. Tincture of J:,ino, ?'ltatmzy, and oal:, barl·, or a solution of their extracts, is used when astrin– gents are required, ancl a large number of arti– cles possessing the proper fragrance, for the
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