1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
WINE. 41 purpose of imparting tho peculiar aroma or BoQUET of the French wines. We have now given a sketch of the constit– uents, production, division, varieties, propor– tion, and management of foreign wines; and we can only express our regret, when we are compelled to acknowledge that a pure foreign wine is seldom-we had almost said never– seen in this country, the large proportion of wines being diluted and adulterated before leaving foreign ports. Our object in the next article, "On the Imitation of Foreign "\Vines," will be to show you the inethods inade use of, and instruct you in all the arts and inysteries of that "secret of the trade" which has, and will continue to enrich, all those who are so fortunate as to acquire, and practice upon, the information spread out upon these pages. Be careful to use the different ingredients pre– cisely as laid down in the formulm, the smallest excess oftentimes injuring the whole. 4*
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