1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
tion of foreign wines, or, in other words, of in– itiating then1 in the "art and mysteries" of making precisely the same article of wines which they have for years been purchasing, the only difference, if any, being that the wines made according to the formulm hereafter given are generally superior to those commonly obtained. The wines made in accordance with the rules laid down in this work are made on scientific principles, the same ingredients being added and supplied which really exist in "pure foreign wines," and therefore are superior to the drugged imitations that are generally sold to the trade. We will now proceed to instruct the reader how to manufacture the different varieties of wines, premising that he will, in preparing the wines, fulfill our instructions to the very letter; care and attention being all that are required to insure success.
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