1860 A Treatise on the Manufacture , Imitation, Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines, Brandies, .
No. 18.-MORELLO-CHERRY vVINE. To 40 pounds Morello cherries add:- 12 gallons water. · 30 pounds loaf sugar. £ pound cream of tartar. 3 gallons brandy. Let it stand one week, and _draw _off.
Gooseberry, Wlwrtleberry, Apple, Muiberry, Apricot, Grape, and Damson wine may' be made after the formulm last given, by substituting any of the above fruits in place of those men– tioned in the formulm. The advantage in making domestic wines after th.e manner recomnrnnded is having a wine ready for use in a week; "\vhereas, accord– ing to the general fonnula next given, a long time is required before the wine is fit to use. ~rhe reader may make his own choice.
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