1862 Bar Tender's Guide price $1.50 by Jerry Thomas
115. Soda Cocktail.
(TTselarge bar glass.)
Thesame as Jersey cocktail, using soda-water instead of cider.
116. Brandy Cmsta.
(Use email bar gloss.)
Crusta is made the same as a fancy cocktail, with a little lemon juice and a small lump of ice added. First, mix the ingredients in a small tumbler, then take afancy red wine-glass, ruT> a sliced lemon around the rim of the same, and dip it in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon the same as you would an apple (all in one piece) so that the paring will fit in the wine-glass,as shown in tke cut, and strain the crusta from the tumbler into it. Then smile.
117. Wliiskey Crusta.
(Use small bar gloss.)
The whiskey crusta is made the same as the brandy crusta, using whiskey instead of brandy.
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