1862 The Bartender's Guide price $2,50 by Jerry Thomas



Color, Yellow.


Mix I lb. American safiron, cut very fine, with 1 quart of alcohol, 95 per cent. ; put it in a covered jar, in a warm place, and let it stand for 8 days; then press, filter, and bottle for use. A yellow coloring may also be made of turmeric i istead of saffron. Observe the same proportions, and make in the same way.

Color, Purple.


Mix 1 b. elderberries, mashed to a pulp, with 1 quart of of alcohf '., 95 per cent. Macerate (see No. 5) in a warm place foi 3 days ; then press, filter, and bottle for use.

Color, Red.


1 ounce of finely-powdered cochineal.

I drachm of calcinated alum. ] >c iled with a quart of water, in an earthen dish ; add 1 qi \Tt of alcohol, 95 per cent., press, filter, and bottle for


Color, Violet.


1 pint of blue color. S pints of red color. 7 [ix together.

Coquette Flatteuse.


drops of oil of rose.

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oil of mace.


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2 I essence of ambergris. 1 issolve in 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent. ; then add a SA rup made of 42 lbs. of sugar and 4f gallons of watej (see No. 7). Color rose (see No. 93). do.

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