1867 Six Hundred Receipts by John Marquart



No. 105. White Lemon- Cake. Rub well together 6 ounces butter, IJ pounds flour; add ^ pint (well beaten) eggs, 1 pound pulverized sugar, 12 drops essence of lemon, and 2 drachms carbonate of ammonia. Tha ingredients should be mixed into a paste, with as little handling as possible, rolled out about as thick as a silver dollar, cut in cakes, and baked on buttered tins, with a gentle heat. Strasbourg- Cake. To 1 pound flour, add 10 ounces pulverized sugar, 10 ounces butter, 2 eggs, half a nutmeg, (grated,) and an equal quantit}^ of ground cinnamon, or mace and cinnamon, mix^d. Bake. No. 106. No. 1. Take 1 pint milk, 1 teacupful jeast; mix it thin ; when light, add 12 ounces sugar, 10 ounces butter, 4 eggs, flour sufficient to make it as stiff as bread; when risen, again mould and sponge it upon tin. No. 108. How to make 31ock Mince- Pies. Mix 1 cup sugar^ 1 cup molasses, IJ cup bread- crumbs, with 1 cup good cider- vinegar, 4 cups water, and 3 eggs ; add 1 cup raisins, 1 ounce cloves, 1 ounce soda. This quantity will be suffi- cient for 3 pies. Bake. No. 107. How to hake Rusks.

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