1867 The American Barkeeper by a Practical Liquor Manufacturer



Two 01" three slices of ovaiifre peel, One slice of pine apple- Fill with shaved ice; shake well,and ornament with ber ries in season. QUEEN CHARLOTTE. Use large bar gl.ass. One teaspoonfiil of sugar, One wineglass of sherry, Two or three lumps of ice. Fill with lemon soda,and stir well with spoon. Tablespoonfnl of raspberry syrup. - Fill with shaved ice; shake well, and grate nutmeg over top. CINDERELLA, OR THE GLASS SLirDER. Use largo bar glass. Half a wineglass of orgeat. Two wineglasses sautcrne wine. Fill with shaved ice. and shake well. Place a piece of jtine-apple on top. and pour half a wineglass of port wine carefully over all. which produces a brilliant ditla- sion of colors through the glass. "WEST INDIA TWILIGHT. Usodarge bar glass. Tablespoonfnl of sugar, Half wineglass sherry and one egg.


Use large bar glass. Tablespoonfnl of sugar.

Two slices of orange,

"Wineglass and a half Sauterne wine. Fill with shaved ice:.shake well and ornament with ber ries in season.

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