1868 The complete Practical Distiller




This is done by taking of oil of caraway 1 ounce ; oil of cassia, 20 drops ; essence of orange-peel, 5 drops, and the same quantity of essence of lemon; 13 gallons of spirit; 8 pounds of loaf-sugar. Make it up and fine down as directed for aniseed cordial.

FRENCH VINEGAR. Wine which is detained for this purpose is mixed in a large tun with a quantity of wine-lees, and the whole being transferred into cloth sacks placed within a large iron-bound vat, the liquid matter is extended through the sacks by superincumbent pressure. What passes through is put into large casks set upright, having a small aper- ture at their tops. In these it is exposed to the heat of the sun in summer, or to that of a stove in winter. Fermentation comes on in a few days. If the heat should then rise too high, it is lowered by cool air and the addition of fresh wine. The art of making good wine-vinegar consists in the skilful regulation of the fer- mentative temperature. In summer, the process is gene- rally completed in a fortnight ; in winter, double the time

The vinegar is then run off into barrels con-

is requisite.

taining several chips of birch-wood.

It is clarified in

about two weeks ;

and, to be fit for the market, must be

kept in close casks.

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