1869 Cooling Cups and Dainty drinks by William Terrington


Refrigeration, the name applied to the opera- tion of cooling. The use of ice in this and other countries is becoming one of the necessaries of life ; of food, cooling of liquors, &c., and for medical and other purposes, are too well known to demand much introduction. An excellent mode of preserving ice for domestic use is by the refrigerator (or portable ; the possession of a good refrigerator, as regards the amount of comfort and luxury it brings, cannot be over-estimated ; for icing wines and bever- ages it has a special advantage, the temperature can be adjusted at pleasure, while the contents are not wasted or spoiled. To Ice Wines, &c . — In iceing wines or cups, it is merely necessary to place the vessel in the refrige- rator, and the temperature required can be regu- its uses in the preservation of articles ice-chest)

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